DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Washington, DC
14,000 sf Barn
22,000 sf Horse Barn
Field Assessment, Design, Historic Preservation, Permit, Construction Administration
Project Type
Design – Build
BELL Architects was hired under a DC IDIQ contract to provide A/E design services for stabilization and repair of three buildings located in St. Elizabeth’s East Campus. Mothballing for all three buildings included removal of asbestos containing roof shingles. Two cottages, which had been temporarily relocated and set on temporary bridging and trailers, from an earlier move as part of a negotiated MOA under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The new site places the cottages in front of the barn, within the St. Elizabeth’s East Campus, as approved by the DC SHPO creating an area of farmstead. The cottages, relocated to permanent foundations, are orientated in their original direction facing Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, with the smaller cottage being closer to street and the larger one behind and slightly offset (see after photo below). The selection of the site and orientation was informed by historical research, utility research and investigation and the limitations of funding.
The circa 1884 dry barn remains on its original site (see before photo above). Structural concerns and repair/replacement of deteriorated and missing exterior siding and sheathing is part of the scope. Aggressive native plants, vandalism and water infiltration have been a significant cause of deterioration. Mothballing for this building was similar to the two cottages, however the roofing replacement and window/door openings require intervention on a much larger scale.
To prevent vandalism, infestation of pests and further deterioration, temporary panels were designed to provide security while allowing adequate ventilation. These measures will stay in place, mothballing the buildings for up to twenty years, until compatible uses and occupants are identified and full rehabilitation can occur in a future project. The asphalt shingle roofing was an interlocking tab shingle that contained asbestos. As part of the weathering of the buildings, the asbestos shingles were removed and a metal interlocking shingle system with the same size and shape was specified for replacement.